Imagine you’re driving on a road and you see a pothole. You report it to the city council, and they fix it. This not only makes your journey smoother but also prevents potential accidents for others. This is similar to how SUSARs impact drug safety and regulations.

The reporting of SUSARs can lead to significant changes in drug safety and regulations. It’s like reporting a pothole; it leads to improvements that ensure the safety of all.
Changes in Drug Labels
One of the most common impacts of SUSAR reporting is a change in the drug label. This is like putting up a sign warning other drivers about the pothole.
The drug label, also known as the package insert, contains information about the drug, including its uses, side effects, precautions, and contraindications. If a SUSAR is reported and confirmed, the drug label may be updated to include this new information.
Drug Recalls
In some cases, a SUSAR may lead to a drug recall. This is like closing the road until the pothole is fixed. It’s a drastic measure taken to protect the public from potential harm.
A drug recall is the removal of a drug from the market because its benefits no longer outweigh its risks. This usually happens when a serious risk, such as a SUSAR, is identified.